Program Listing for File ubintnat.h

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// BSD 2-Clause License
// Copyright (c) 2014-2023, NJIT, Duality Technologies Inc. and other contributors
// All rights reserved.
// Author TPOC:
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
// 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
//    list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
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//    and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

 This file contains the main class for native integers. It implements the same methods as other mathematical backends.


#include "math/hal/basicint.h"
#include "math/hal/bigintbackend.h"
#include "math/hal/integer.h"
#include "math/nbtheory.h"

#include "utils/debug.h"
#include "utils/exception.h"
#include "utils/inttypes.h"
#include "utils/openfhebase64.h"
#include "utils/serializable.h"

#include <cstdint>
// #include <cstdlib>
// #include <fstream>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
// #include <memory>
// #include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
// #include <typeinfo>
#include <vector>
#include <utility>

// the default behavior of the native integer layer is
// to assume that the user does not need bounds/range checks
// in the native integer code
// if you want them, change this #define to true
// we use a #define to resolve which to use at compile time
// sadly, making the choice according to some setting that
// is checked at runtime has awful performance; using this
// #define in a simple expression causes the compiler to
// optimize away the test

namespace intnat {

// Forward declare class and give it an alias for the expected type
template <typename IntType>
class NativeIntegerT;
using NativeInteger = NativeIntegerT<BasicInteger>;

template <typename IntType>
class NativeVectorT;

// constexpr double LOG2_10 = 3.32192809;  //!< @brief A pre-computed  constant of Log base 2 of 10.
// constexpr usint BARRETT_LEVELS = 8;  //!< @brief The number of levels (precomputed

template <typename utype>
struct DataTypes {
    using SignedType       = void;
    using DoubleType       = void;
    using SignedDoubleType = void;
template <>
struct DataTypes<uint32_t> {
    using SignedType       = int32_t;
    using DoubleType       = uint64_t;
    using SignedDoubleType = int64_t;
template <>
struct DataTypes<uint64_t> {
    using SignedType = int64_t;
#if defined(HAVE_INT128)
    using DoubleType       = uint128_t;
    using SignedDoubleType = int128_t;
    using DoubleType       = uint64_t;
    using SignedDoubleType = int64_t;
#if defined(HAVE_INT128)
template <>
struct DataTypes<uint128_t> {
    using SignedType       = int128_t;
    using DoubleType       = uint128_t;
    using SignedDoubleType = int128_t;

template <typename NativeInt>
class NativeIntegerT final : public lbcrypto::BigIntegerInterface<NativeIntegerT<NativeInt>> {
    NativeInt m_value{0};

    // variable to store the maximum value of the integral data type.
    static constexpr NativeInt m_uintMax{std::numeric_limits<NativeInt>::max()};
    // variable to store the bit width of the integral data type.
    //    static constexpr usint m_uintBitLength{sizeof(NativeInt) * 8};
    static constexpr usint m_uintBitLength{std::numeric_limits<NativeInt>::digits};

    friend class NativeVectorT<NativeIntegerT<NativeInt>>;

    using Integer         = NativeInt;
    using SignedNativeInt = typename DataTypes<NativeInt>::SignedType;
    using DNativeInt      = typename DataTypes<NativeInt>::DoubleType;
    using SDNativeInt     = typename DataTypes<NativeInt>::SignedDoubleType;

    // data structure to represent a double-word integer as two single-word integers
    struct typeD {
        NativeInt hi{0};
        NativeInt lo{0};
        inline std::string ConvertToString() const {
            return std::string("hi [" + toString(hi) + "], lo [" + toString(lo) + "]");

    explicit operator NativeInt() const {
        return m_value;
    explicit operator bool() const {
        return m_value != 0;

    constexpr NativeIntegerT() = default;
    constexpr NativeIntegerT(const NativeIntegerT& val) noexcept : m_value{val.m_value} {}
    constexpr NativeIntegerT(NativeIntegerT&& val) noexcept : m_value{std::move(val.m_value)} {}

    NativeIntegerT(const std::string& val) {

    explicit NativeIntegerT(const char* strval) {
    // explicit NativeIntegerT(const char strval) : m_value{NativeInt(strval - '0')} {}

    template <typename T,
              std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<T> || std::is_same_v<T, int128_t> || std::is_same_v<T, uint128_t>,
                               bool> = true>
    constexpr NativeIntegerT(T val) noexcept : m_value(val) {}

    template <typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<T, M2Integer> || std::is_same_v<T, M4Integer> ||
                                               std::is_same_v<T, M6Integer>,
                                           bool> = true>
    constexpr NativeIntegerT(T val) noexcept : m_value{val.template ConvertToInt<NativeInt>()} {}

    template <typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point_v<T>, bool> = true>
    NativeIntegerT(T val) = delete;

    constexpr NativeIntegerT& operator=(const NativeIntegerT& val) noexcept {
        m_value = val.m_value;
        return *this;

    constexpr NativeIntegerT& operator=(NativeIntegerT&& val) noexcept {
        m_value = std::move(val.m_value);
        return *this;

    NativeIntegerT& operator=(const std::string& val) {
        return *this;

    NativeIntegerT& operator=(const char* strval) {
        return *this;

    template <typename T,
              std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<T> || std::is_same_v<T, int128_t> || std::is_same_v<T, uint128_t>,
                               bool> = true>
    constexpr NativeIntegerT& operator=(T val) noexcept {
        m_value = val;
        return *this;

    template <typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<T, M2Integer> || std::is_same_v<T, M4Integer> ||
                                               std::is_same_v<T, M6Integer>,
                                           bool> = true>
    constexpr NativeIntegerT& operator=(T val) noexcept {
        m_value = val.template ConvertToInt<NativeInt>();
        return *this;

    template <typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point_v<T>, bool> = true>
    NativeIntegerT& operator=(T val) = delete;

    void SetValue(const std::string& str) {
        NativeInt acc{0}, tst{0};
        for (auto c : str) {
            if ((c - '0') > 9)
                OPENFHE_THROW("String contains a non-digit");
            if ((acc = (10 * acc) + static_cast<NativeInt>(c - '0')) < tst)
                OPENFHE_THROW(str + " is too large to fit in this native integer object");
            tst = acc;
        m_value = acc;

    void SetValue(const NativeIntegerT& val) {
        m_value = val.m_value;

    void SetIdentity() {
        m_value = static_cast<NativeInt>(1);

    NativeIntegerT Add(const NativeIntegerT& b) const {
        return NATIVEINT_DO_CHECKS ? AddCheck(b) : AddFast(b);

    NativeIntegerT AddCheck(const NativeIntegerT& b) const {
        auto r{m_value + b.m_value};
        if (r < m_value || r < b.m_value)
            OPENFHE_THROW("NativeIntegerT AddCheck: Overflow");
        return {r};

    NativeIntegerT AddFast(const NativeIntegerT& b) const {
        return {b.m_value + m_value};

    NativeIntegerT& AddEq(const NativeIntegerT& b) {
        return NATIVEINT_DO_CHECKS ? AddEqCheck(b) : AddEqFast(b);

    NativeIntegerT& AddEqCheck(const NativeIntegerT& b) {
        auto oldv{m_value};
        if ((m_value += b.m_value) < oldv)
            OPENFHE_THROW("NativeIntegerT AddEqCheck: Overflow");
        return *this;

    NativeIntegerT& AddEqFast(const NativeIntegerT& b) {
        return *this = b.m_value + m_value;

    NativeIntegerT Sub(const NativeIntegerT& b) const {
        return NATIVEINT_DO_CHECKS ? SubCheck(b) : SubFast(b);

    NativeIntegerT SubCheck(const NativeIntegerT& b) const {
        return {m_value <= b.m_value ? 0 : m_value - b.m_value};

    // no saturated subtraction? functionality differs from BigInteger Backends
    NativeIntegerT SubFast(const NativeIntegerT& b) const {
        return {m_value - b.m_value};

    NativeIntegerT& SubEq(const NativeIntegerT& b) {
        return NATIVEINT_DO_CHECKS ? SubEqCheck(b) : SubEqFast(b);

    NativeIntegerT& SubEqCheck(const NativeIntegerT& b) {
        if (m_value < b.m_value)
            OPENFHE_THROW("NativeIntegerT SubEqCheck: neg value");
        return *this = m_value - b.m_value;

    NativeIntegerT& SubEqFast(const NativeIntegerT& b) {
        return *this = m_value - b.m_value;

    // overloaded binary operators based on integer arithmetic and comparison
    // functions.
    NativeIntegerT operator-() const {
        return NativeIntegerT().Sub(*this);

    NativeIntegerT Mul(const NativeIntegerT& b) const {
        return NATIVEINT_DO_CHECKS ? MulCheck(b) : MulFast(b);

    NativeIntegerT MulCheck(const NativeIntegerT& b) const {
        auto p{b.m_value * m_value};
        if (p < m_value || p < b.m_value)
            OPENFHE_THROW("NativeIntegerT MulCheck: Overflow");
        return {p};

    NativeIntegerT MulFast(const NativeIntegerT& b) const {
        return {b.m_value * m_value};

    NativeIntegerT& MulEq(const NativeIntegerT& b) {
        return NATIVEINT_DO_CHECKS ? MulEqCheck(b) : MulEqFast(b);

    NativeIntegerT& MulEqCheck(const NativeIntegerT& b) {
        auto oldv{m_value};
        if ((m_value *= b.m_value) < oldv)
            OPENFHE_THROW("NativeIntegerT MulEqCheck: Overflow");
        return *this;

    NativeIntegerT& MulEqFast(const NativeIntegerT& b) {
        return *this = b.m_value * m_value;

    NativeIntegerT DividedBy(const NativeIntegerT& b) const {
        if (b.m_value == 0)
            OPENFHE_THROW("NativeIntegerT DividedBy: zero");
        return {m_value / b.m_value};

    NativeIntegerT& DividedByEq(const NativeIntegerT& b) {
        if (b.m_value == 0)
            OPENFHE_THROW("NativeIntegerT DividedByEq: zero");
        return *this = m_value / b.m_value;

    NativeIntegerT Exp(usint p) const {
        NativeInt r{1};
        for (auto x = m_value; p > 0; p >>= 1, x *= x)
            r *= (p & 0x1) ? x : 1;
        return {r};

    NativeIntegerT& ExpEq(usint p) {
        auto x{m_value};
        m_value = 1;
        for (; p > 0; p >>= 1, x *= x)
            m_value *= (p & 0x1) ? x : 1;
        return *this;

    NativeIntegerT MultiplyAndRound(const NativeIntegerT& p, const NativeIntegerT& q) const {
        if (q.m_value == 0)
            OPENFHE_THROW("NativeIntegerT MultiplyAndRound: Divide by zero");
        return static_cast<NativeInt>(p.ConvertToDouble() * (this->ConvertToDouble() / q.ConvertToDouble()) + 0.5);

    NativeIntegerT& MultiplyAndRoundEq(const NativeIntegerT& p, const NativeIntegerT& q) {
        if (q.m_value == 0)
            OPENFHE_THROW("NativeIntegerT MultiplyAndRoundEq: Divide by zero");
        return *this =
                   static_cast<NativeInt>(p.ConvertToDouble() * (this->ConvertToDouble() / q.ConvertToDouble()) + 0.5);

    //    template <typename T = NativeInt>
    //    NativeIntegerT MultiplyAndDivideQuotient(const NativeIntegerT& p, const NativeIntegerT& q) const {
    //        DNativeInt xD{m_value};
    //        DNativeInt pD{p.m_value};
    //        DNativeInt qD{q.m_value};
    //        return static_cast<NativeIntegerT>(xD * pD / qD);
    //    }

    //    template <typename T = NativeInt>
    //    NativeIntegerT MultiplyAndDivideRemainder(const NativeIntegerT& p, const NativeIntegerT& q) const {
    //        DNativeInt xD{m_value};
    //        DNativeInt pD{p.m_value};
    //        DNativeInt qD{q.m_value};
    //        return static_cast<NativeIntegerT>(xD * pD % qD);
    //    }

    NativeIntegerT DivideAndRound(const NativeIntegerT& q) const {
        if (q.m_value == 0)
            OPENFHE_THROW("NativeIntegerT DivideAndRound: zero");
        auto ans{m_value / q.m_value};
        auto rem{m_value % q.m_value};
        auto halfQ{q.m_value >> 1};
        if (rem > halfQ)
            return {ans + 1};
        return {ans};

    NativeIntegerT& DivideAndRoundEq(const NativeIntegerT& q) {
        if (q.m_value == 0)
            OPENFHE_THROW("NativeIntegerT DivideAndRoundEq: zero");
        auto ans{m_value / q.m_value};
        auto rem{m_value % q.m_value};
        auto halfQ{q.m_value >> 1};
        if (rem > halfQ)
            return *this = ans + 1;
        return *this = ans;

    NativeIntegerT Mod(const NativeIntegerT& modulus) const {
        return {m_value % modulus.m_value};

    NativeIntegerT& ModEq(const NativeIntegerT& modulus) {
        return *this = m_value % modulus.m_value;

    template <typename T = NativeInt>
    NativeIntegerT ComputeMu(typename std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<T, DNativeInt>, bool> = true) const {
        if (m_value == 0)
            OPENFHE_THROW("NativeIntegerT ComputeMu: Divide by zero");
        auto&& tmp{DNativeInt{1} << (2 * lbcrypto::GetMSB(m_value) + 3)};
        return {tmp / DNativeInt(m_value)};

    template <typename T = NativeInt>
    NativeIntegerT ComputeMu(typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<T, DNativeInt>, bool> = true) const {
        if (m_value == 0)
            OPENFHE_THROW("NativeIntegerT ComputeMu: Divide by zero");
        auto&& tmp{bigintbackend::BigInteger{1} << (2 * lbcrypto::GetMSB(m_value) + 3)};
        return {(tmp / bigintbackend::BigInteger(m_value)).template ConvertToInt<NativeInt>()};

    // TODO: pass modulus.GetMSB() with mu for faster vector ops?
    NativeIntegerT Mod(const NativeIntegerT& modulus, const NativeIntegerT& mu) const {
        typeD tmp;
        NativeIntegerT ans{*this};
        ModMu(tmp, ans, modulus.m_value, mu.m_value, modulus.GetMSB() - 2);
        return ans;

    NativeIntegerT& ModEq(const NativeIntegerT& modulus, const NativeIntegerT& mu) {
        typeD tmp;
        ModMu(tmp, *this, modulus.m_value, mu.m_value, modulus.GetMSB() - 2);
        return *this;

    NativeIntegerT ModAdd(const NativeIntegerT& b, const NativeIntegerT& modulus) const {
        auto av{m_value};
        auto bv{b.m_value};
        auto& mv{modulus.m_value};
        if (av >= mv)
            av %= mv;
        if (bv >= mv)
            bv %= mv;
        av += bv;
        if (av >= mv)
            av -= mv;
        return {av};

    NativeIntegerT& ModAddEq(const NativeIntegerT& b, const NativeIntegerT& modulus) {
        auto bv{b.m_value};
        auto& mv{modulus.m_value};
        if (m_value >= mv)
            m_value = m_value % mv;
        if (bv >= mv)
            bv = bv % mv;
        m_value += bv;
        if (m_value >= mv)
            m_value -= mv;
        return *this;

    NativeIntegerT ModAddFast(const NativeIntegerT& b, const NativeIntegerT& modulus) const {
        auto r{m_value + b.m_value};
        auto& mv{modulus.m_value};
        if (r >= mv)
            r -= mv;
        return {r};
    NativeIntegerT& ModAddFastEq(const NativeIntegerT& b, const NativeIntegerT& modulus) {
        auto& mv{modulus.m_value};
        m_value += b.m_value;
        if (m_value >= mv)
            m_value -= mv;
        return *this;

    template <typename T = NativeInt>
    NativeIntegerT ModAdd(const NativeIntegerT& b, const NativeIntegerT& modulus, const NativeIntegerT& mu,
                          typename std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<T, DNativeInt>, bool> = true) const {
        auto& mv{modulus.m_value};
        auto av{*this};
        auto bv{b};
        if (av.m_value >= mv)
            av.ModEq(modulus, mu);
        if (bv.m_value >= mv)
            bv.ModEq(modulus, mu);
        av.m_value += bv.m_value;
        if (av.m_value >= mv)
            av.m_value -= mv;
        return av;
        auto bv{b.m_value};
        auto av{m_value};
        if (bv >= mv)
            bv = bv % mv;
        if (av >= mv)
            av = av % mv;
        av = av + bv;
        if (av >= mv)
            return {av - mv};
        return {av};

    template <typename T = NativeInt>
    NativeIntegerT ModAdd(const NativeIntegerT& b, const NativeIntegerT& modulus, const NativeIntegerT& mu,
                          typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<T, DNativeInt>, bool> = true) const {
        auto av{*this};
        auto bv{b};
        auto& mv{modulus.m_value};
        if (av.m_value >= mv)
            av.ModEq(modulus, mu);
        if (bv.m_value >= mv)
            bv.ModEq(modulus, mu);
        av.m_value += bv.m_value;
        if (av.m_value >= mv)
            av.m_value -= mv;
        return av;

    template <typename T = NativeInt>
    NativeIntegerT& ModAddEq(const NativeIntegerT& b, const NativeIntegerT& modulus, const NativeIntegerT& mu,
                             typename std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<T, DNativeInt>, bool> = true) {
        auto& mv{modulus.m_value};
        auto av{*this};
        auto bv{b};
        if (av.m_value >= mv)
            av.ModEq(modulus, mu);
        if (bv.m_value >= mv)
            bv.ModEq(modulus, mu);
        m_value = av.m_value + bv.m_value;
        if (m_value >= mv)
            m_value -= mv;
        return *this;
        auto bv{b.m_value};
        auto av{m_value};
        if (bv >= mv)
            bv = bv % mv;
        if (av >= mv)
            av = av % mv;
        av = av + bv;
        if (av >= mv)
            return *this = av - mv;
        return *this = av;

    template <typename T = NativeInt>
    NativeIntegerT& ModAddEq(const NativeIntegerT& b, const NativeIntegerT& modulus, const NativeIntegerT& mu,
                             typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<T, DNativeInt>, bool> = true) {
        auto av{*this};
        auto bv{b};
        auto& mv{modulus.m_value};
        if (av.m_value >= mv)
            av.ModEq(modulus, mu);
        if (bv.m_value >= mv)
            bv.ModEq(modulus, mu);
        m_value = av.m_value + bv.m_value;
        if (m_value >= mv)
            m_value -= mv;
        return *this;

    NativeIntegerT ModSub(const NativeIntegerT& b, const NativeIntegerT& modulus) const {
        auto av{m_value};
        auto bv{b.m_value};
        auto& mv{modulus.m_value};
        if (av >= mv)
            av %= mv;
        if (bv >= mv)
            bv %= mv;
        if (av < bv)
            return {av + mv - bv};
        return {av - bv};

    NativeIntegerT& ModSubEq(const NativeIntegerT& b, const NativeIntegerT& modulus) {
        auto av{m_value};
        auto bv{b.m_value};
        auto& mv{modulus.m_value};
        if (av >= mv)
            av = av % mv;
        if (bv >= mv)
            bv = bv % mv;
        if (av < bv)
            return *this = av + mv - bv;
        return *this = av - bv;

    NativeIntegerT ModSubFast(const NativeIntegerT& b, const NativeIntegerT& modulus) const {
        if (m_value < b.m_value)
            return {m_value + modulus.m_value - b.m_value};
        return {m_value - b.m_value};

    NativeIntegerT& ModSubFastEq(const NativeIntegerT& b, const NativeIntegerT& modulus) {
        if (m_value < b.m_value)
            return *this = m_value + modulus.m_value - b.m_value;
        return *this = m_value - b.m_value;

    template <typename T = NativeInt>
    NativeIntegerT ModSub(const NativeIntegerT& b, const NativeIntegerT& modulus, const NativeIntegerT& mu,
                          typename std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<T, DNativeInt>, bool> = true) const {
        auto& mv{modulus.m_value};
        auto av{*this};
        auto bv{b};
        if (av.m_value >= mv)
            av.ModEq(modulus, mu);
        if (bv.m_value >= mv)
            bv.ModEq(modulus, mu);
        if (av.m_value < bv.m_value)
            return {av.m_value + mv - bv.m_value};
        return {av.m_value - bv.m_value};
        auto av{m_value};
        auto bv{b.m_value};
        if (av >= mv)
            av = av % mv;
        if (bv >= mv)
            bv = bv % mv;
        if (av < bv)
            return {av + mv - bv};
        return {av - bv};

    template <typename T = NativeInt>
    NativeIntegerT ModSub(const NativeIntegerT& b, const NativeIntegerT& modulus, const NativeIntegerT& mu,
                          typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<T, DNativeInt>, bool> = true) const {
        auto av{*this};
        auto bv{b};
        auto& mv{modulus.m_value};
        if (av.m_value >= mv)
            av.ModEq(modulus, mu);
        if (bv.m_value >= mv)
            bv.ModEq(modulus, mu);
        if (av.m_value < bv.m_value)
            return {av.m_value + mv - bv.m_value};
        return {av.m_value - bv.m_value};

    template <typename T = NativeInt>
    NativeIntegerT& ModSubEq(const NativeIntegerT& b, const NativeIntegerT& modulus, const NativeIntegerT& mu,
                             typename std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<T, DNativeInt>, bool> = true) {
        auto& mv{modulus.m_value};
        auto av{*this};
        auto bv{b};
        if (av.m_value >= mv)
            av.ModEq(modulus, mu);
        if (bv.m_value >= mv)
            bv.ModEq(modulus, mu);
        if (av.m_value < bv.m_value)
            return *this = av.m_value + mv - bv.m_value;
        return *this = av.m_value - bv.m_value;
        auto bv{b.m_value};
        auto av{m_value};
        if (bv >= mv)
            bv = bv % mv;
        if (av >= mv)
            av = av % mv;
        if (av < bv)
            return *this = av + mv - bv;
        return *this = av - bv;

    template <typename T = NativeInt>
    NativeIntegerT& ModSubEq(const NativeIntegerT& b, const NativeIntegerT& modulus, const NativeIntegerT& mu,
                             typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<T, DNativeInt>, bool> = true) {
        auto av{*this};
        auto bv{b};
        auto& mv{modulus.m_value};
        if (av.m_value >= mv)
            av.ModEq(modulus, mu);
        if (bv.m_value >= mv)
            bv.ModEq(modulus, mu);
        if (av.m_value < bv.m_value)
            return *this = av.m_value + mv - bv.m_value;
        return *this = av.m_value - bv.m_value;

    template <typename T = NativeInt>
    NativeIntegerT ModMul(const NativeIntegerT& b, const NativeIntegerT& modulus,
                          typename std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<T, DNativeInt>, bool> = true) const {
        auto av{m_value};
        auto bv{b.m_value};
        auto& mv{modulus.m_value};
        if (av >= mv)
            av = av % mv;
        if (bv >= mv)
            bv = bv % mv;
        DNativeInt rv{static_cast<DNativeInt>(av) * bv};
        DNativeInt dmv{mv};
        if (rv >= dmv)
            rv %= dmv;
        return {rv};

    template <typename T = NativeInt>
    NativeIntegerT ModMul(const NativeIntegerT& b, const NativeIntegerT& modulus,
                          typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<T, DNativeInt>, bool> = true) const {
        typeD tmp;
        auto av{*this};
        auto& mv{modulus.m_value};
        auto mu{modulus.ComputeMu().m_value};
        int64_t n{modulus.GetMSB() - 2};
        if (av.m_value >= mv)
            ModMu(tmp, av, mv, mu, n);
        auto bv{b};
        if (bv.m_value >= mv)
            ModMu(tmp, bv, mv, mu, n);
        MultD(av.m_value, bv.m_value, tmp);
        typeD r{tmp};
        MultD(RShiftD(tmp, n), mu, tmp);
        MultD(RShiftD(tmp, n + 7), mv, tmp);
        SubtractD(r, tmp);
        if (r.lo >= mv)
            r.lo -= mv;
        return {r.lo};

    template <typename T = NativeInt>
    NativeIntegerT& ModMulEq(const NativeIntegerT& b, const NativeIntegerT& modulus,
                             typename std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<T, DNativeInt>, bool> = true) {
        auto av{m_value};
        auto bv{b.m_value};
        auto& mv{modulus.m_value};
        if (av >= mv)
            av = av % mv;
        if (bv >= mv)
            bv = bv % mv;
        DNativeInt rv{static_cast<DNativeInt>(av) * bv};
        DNativeInt dmv{mv};
        if (rv >= dmv)
            rv %= dmv;
        return *this = static_cast<NativeInt>(rv);

    template <typename T = NativeInt>
    NativeIntegerT& ModMulEq(const NativeIntegerT& b, const NativeIntegerT& modulus,
                             typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<T, DNativeInt>, bool> = true) {
        auto av{*this};
        auto& mv{modulus.m_value};
        typeD tmp;
        auto mu{modulus.ComputeMu().m_value};
        int64_t n{modulus.GetMSB() - 2};
        if (av.m_value >= mv)
            ModMu(tmp, av, mv, mu, n);
        auto bv{b};
        if (bv.m_value >= mv)
            ModMu(tmp, bv, mv, mu, n);
        MultD(av.m_value, bv.m_value, tmp);
        typeD r = tmp;
        MultD(RShiftD(tmp, n), mu, tmp);
        MultD(RShiftD(tmp, n + 7), mv, tmp);
        SubtractD(r, tmp);
        m_value = r.lo;
        if (r.lo >= mv)
            m_value -= mv;
        return *this;

    template <typename T = NativeInt>
    NativeIntegerT ModMul(const NativeIntegerT& b, const NativeIntegerT& modulus, const NativeIntegerT& mu,
                          typename std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<T, DNativeInt>, bool> = true) const {
        auto av{*this};
        auto& mv{modulus.m_value};
        typeD tmp;
        int64_t n{modulus.GetMSB() - 2};
        if (av.m_value >= mv)
            ModMu(tmp, av, mv, mu.m_value, n);
        auto bv{b};
        if (bv.m_value >= mv)
            ModMu(tmp, bv, mv, mu.m_value, n);
        MultD(av.m_value, bv.m_value, tmp);
        auto rv = GetD(tmp);
        MultD(RShiftD(tmp, n), mu.m_value, tmp);
        rv -= DNativeInt(mv) * (GetD(tmp) >> n + 7);
        NativeIntegerT r(rv);
        if (r.m_value >= mv)
            r.m_value -= mv;
        return r;
        auto& mv{modulus.m_value};
        auto bv{b.m_value};
        auto av{m_value};
        if (bv >= mv)
            bv = bv % mv;
        if (av >= mv)
            av = av % mv;
        DNativeInt rv{static_cast<DNativeInt>(av) * bv};
        DNativeInt dmv{mv};
        if (rv >= dmv)
            return {rv % dmv};
        return {rv};

    template <typename T = NativeInt>
    NativeIntegerT ModMul(const NativeIntegerT& b, const NativeIntegerT& modulus, const NativeIntegerT& mu,
                          typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<T, DNativeInt>, bool> = true) const {
        auto av{*this};
        auto& mv{modulus.m_value};
        typeD tmp;
        int64_t n{modulus.GetMSB() - 2};
        if (av.m_value >= mv)
            ModMu(tmp, av, mv, mu.m_value, n);
        auto bv{b};
        if (bv.m_value >= mv)
            ModMu(tmp, bv, mv, mu.m_value, n);
        MultD(av.m_value, bv.m_value, tmp);
        typeD r = tmp;
        MultD(RShiftD(tmp, n), mu.m_value, tmp);
        MultD(RShiftD(tmp, n + 7), mv, tmp);
        SubtractD(r, tmp);
        if (r.lo >= mv)
            r.lo -= mv;
        return {r.lo};

    template <typename T = NativeInt>
    NativeIntegerT& ModMulEq(const NativeIntegerT& b, const NativeIntegerT& modulus, const NativeIntegerT& mu,
                             typename std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<T, DNativeInt>, bool> = true) {
        auto av{*this};
        auto bv{b};
        auto& mv{modulus.m_value};
        typeD tmp;
        auto& muv{mu.m_value};
        int64_t n{modulus.GetMSB() - 2};
        if (av.m_value >= mv)
            ModMu(tmp, av, mv, muv, n);
        if (bv.m_value >= mv)
            ModMu(tmp, bv, mv, muv, n);
        MultD(av.m_value, bv.m_value, tmp);
        auto rv = GetD(tmp);
        MultD(RShiftD(tmp, n), muv, tmp);
        rv -= DNativeInt(mv) * (GetD(tmp) >> n + 7);
        m_value = static_cast<NativeInt>(rv);
        if (m_value >= mv)
            m_value -= mv;
        return *this;
        auto& mv{modulus.m_value};
        auto bv{b.m_value};
        auto av{m_value};
        if (bv >= mv)
            bv = bv % mv;
        if (av >= mv)
            av = av % mv;
        DNativeInt rv{static_cast<DNativeInt>(av) * bv};
        DNativeInt dmv{mv};
        if (rv >= dmv)
            return *this = static_cast<NativeInt>(rv % dmv);
        return *this = static_cast<NativeInt>(rv);

    template <typename T = NativeInt>
    NativeIntegerT& ModMulEq(const NativeIntegerT& b, const NativeIntegerT& modulus, const NativeIntegerT& mu,
                             typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<T, DNativeInt>, bool> = true) {
        int64_t n{modulus.GetMSB() - 2};
        auto av{*this};
        auto bv{b};
        auto& mv{modulus.m_value};
        typeD tmp;
        if (av.m_value >= mv)
            ModMu(tmp, av, mv, mu.m_value, n);
        if (bv.m_value >= mv)
            ModMu(tmp, bv, mv, mu.m_value, n);
        MultD(av.m_value, bv.m_value, tmp);
        typeD r = tmp;
        MultD(RShiftD(tmp, n), mu.m_value, tmp);
        MultD(RShiftD(tmp, n + 7), mv, tmp);
        SubtractD(r, tmp);
        m_value = r.lo;
        if (r.lo >= mv)
            m_value -= mv;
        return *this;

    template <typename T = NativeInt>
    NativeIntegerT ModMulFast(const NativeIntegerT& b, const NativeIntegerT& modulus,
                              typename std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<T, DNativeInt>, bool> = true) const {
        DNativeInt rv{static_cast<DNativeInt>(m_value) * b.m_value};
        DNativeInt dmv{modulus.m_value};
        if (rv >= dmv)
            rv %= dmv;
        return {rv};

    template <typename T = NativeInt>
    NativeIntegerT ModMulFast(const NativeIntegerT& b, const NativeIntegerT& modulus,
                              typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<T, DNativeInt>, bool> = true) const {
        int64_t n = modulus.GetMSB() - 2;
        auto& mv{modulus.m_value};
        typeD prod;
        MultD(m_value, b.m_value, prod);
        typeD r = prod;
        MultD(RShiftD(prod, n), modulus.ComputeMu().m_value, prod);
        MultD(RShiftD(prod, n + 7), mv, prod);
        SubtractD(r, prod);
        if (r.lo >= mv)
            r.lo -= mv;
        return {r.lo};

    // TODO: find what in Matrix<DCRTPoly> is calling ModMulFastEq incorrectly
    template <typename T = NativeInt>
    NativeIntegerT ModMulFastEq(const NativeIntegerT& b, const NativeIntegerT& modulus,
                                typename std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<T, DNativeInt>, bool> = true) {
        DNativeInt rv{static_cast<DNativeInt>(m_value) * b.m_value};
        DNativeInt dmv{modulus.m_value};
        if (rv >= dmv)
            rv %= dmv;
        return *this = static_cast<NativeInt>(rv);

    template <typename T = NativeInt>
    NativeIntegerT ModMulFastEq(const NativeIntegerT& b, const NativeIntegerT& modulus,
                                typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<T, DNativeInt>, bool> = true) {
        int64_t n = modulus.GetMSB() - 2;
        auto& mv{modulus.m_value};
        typeD prod;
        MultD(m_value, b.m_value, prod);
        typeD r = prod;
        MultD(RShiftD(prod, n), modulus.ComputeMu().m_value, prod);
        MultD(RShiftD(prod, n + 7), mv, prod);
        SubtractD(r, prod);
        m_value = r.lo;
        if (r.lo >= mv)
            m_value -= mv;
        return *this;

    /* Source:
    title={Speeding Up Barrett and Montgomery Modular Multiplications},
    author={Knezevic, Miroslav and Vercauteren, Frederik and Verbauwhede,
    We use the Generalized Barrett modular reduction algorithm described in
    Algorithm 2 of the Source. The algorithm was originally proposed in J.-F.
    Dhem. Modified version of the Barrett algorithm. Technical report, 1994
    and described in more detail in the PhD thesis of the author published at (Section 2.2.4).
    We take \alpha equal to n + 3. So in our case, \mu = 2^(n + \alpha) =
    2^(2*n + 3). Generally speaking, the value of \alpha should be \ge \gamma
    + 1, where \gamma + n is the number of digits in the dividend. We use the
    upper bound of dividend assuming that none of the dividends will be larger
    than 2^(2*n + 3). The value of \mu is computed by NativeVector::ComputeMu.
    template <typename T = NativeInt>
    NativeIntegerT ModMulFast(const NativeIntegerT& b, const NativeIntegerT& modulus, const NativeIntegerT& mu,
                              typename std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<T, DNativeInt>, bool> = true) const {
        int64_t n = modulus.GetMSB() - 2;
        auto& mv{modulus.m_value};
        typeD tmp;
        MultD(m_value, b.m_value, tmp);
        auto rv = GetD(tmp);
        MultD(RShiftD(tmp, n), mu.m_value, tmp);
        rv -= DNativeInt(mv) * (GetD(tmp) >> n + 7);
        NativeIntegerT r(rv);
        if (r.m_value >= mv)
            r.m_value -= mv;
        return r;

    template <typename T = NativeInt>
    NativeIntegerT ModMulFast(const NativeIntegerT& b, const NativeIntegerT& modulus, const NativeIntegerT& mu,
                              typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<T, DNativeInt>, bool> = true) const {
        int64_t n = modulus.GetMSB() - 2;
        auto& mv{modulus.m_value};
        typeD prod;
        MultD(m_value, b.m_value, prod);
        typeD r = prod;
        MultD(RShiftD(prod, n), mu.m_value, prod);
        MultD(RShiftD(prod, n + 7), mv, prod);
        SubtractD(r, prod);
        if (r.lo >= mv)
            r.lo -= mv;
        return {r.lo};

    template <typename T = NativeInt>
    NativeIntegerT& ModMulFastEq(const NativeIntegerT& b, const NativeIntegerT& modulus, const NativeIntegerT& mu,
                                 typename std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<T, DNativeInt>, bool> = true) {
        typeD tmp;
        MultD(m_value, b.m_value, tmp);
        auto rv{GetD(tmp)};
        int64_t n{modulus.GetMSB() - 2};
        MultD(RShiftD(tmp, n), mu.m_value, tmp);
        auto& mv{modulus.m_value};
        rv -= DNativeInt(mv) * (GetD(tmp) >> n + 7);
        m_value = NativeInt(rv);
        if (m_value >= mv)
            m_value -= mv;
        return *this;

    template <typename T = NativeInt>
    NativeIntegerT& ModMulFastEq(const NativeIntegerT& b, const NativeIntegerT& modulus, const NativeIntegerT& mu,
                                 typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<T, DNativeInt>, bool> = true) {
        int64_t n{modulus.GetMSB() - 2};
        typeD prod;
        MultD(m_value, b.m_value, prod);
        typeD r{prod};
        auto& mv{modulus.m_value};
        MultD(RShiftD(prod, n), mu.m_value, prod);
        MultD(RShiftD(prod, n + 7), mv, prod);
        SubtractD(r, prod);
        m_value = r.lo;
        if (r.lo >= mv)
            m_value -= mv;
        return *this;

    /*  The next three subroutines implement the modular multiplication
    algorithm for the case when the multiplicand is used multiple times (known
    in advance), as in NTT. The algorithm is described in (Dave Harvey, FASTER ARITHMETIC FOR
    NUMBER-THEORETIC TRANSFORMS). The algorithm is described in lines 5-7 of
    Algorithm 2. The algorithm was originally proposed and implemented in NTL
    ( by Victor Shoup.

    template <typename T = NativeInt>
    NativeIntegerT PrepModMulConst(
        const NativeIntegerT& modulus,
        typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<T, DNativeInt>::value, bool>::type = true) const {
        if (modulus.m_value == 0)
            OPENFHE_THROW("Divide by zero");
        auto&& w{DNativeInt(m_value) << NativeIntegerT::MaxBits()};
        return {w / DNativeInt(modulus.m_value)};

    template <typename T = NativeInt>
    NativeIntegerT PrepModMulConst(
        const NativeIntegerT& modulus,
        typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<T, DNativeInt>::value, bool>::type = true) const {
        if (modulus.m_value == 0)
            OPENFHE_THROW("Divide by zero");
        auto&& w{bigintbackend::BigInteger(m_value) << NativeIntegerT::MaxBits()};
        return {(w / bigintbackend::BigInteger(modulus.m_value)).template ConvertToInt<NativeInt>()};

    NativeIntegerT ModMulFastConst(const NativeIntegerT& b, const NativeIntegerT& modulus,
                                   const NativeIntegerT& bInv) const {
        NativeInt q = MultDHi(m_value, bInv.m_value) + 1;
        auto yprime = static_cast<SignedNativeInt>(m_value * b.m_value - q * modulus.m_value);
        return {yprime >= 0 ? yprime : yprime + modulus.m_value};

    NativeIntegerT& ModMulFastConstEq(const NativeIntegerT& b, const NativeIntegerT& modulus,
                                      const NativeIntegerT& bInv) {
        NativeInt q = MultDHi(m_value, bInv.m_value) + 1;
        auto yprime = static_cast<SignedNativeInt>(m_value * b.m_value - q * modulus.m_value);
        m_value     = static_cast<NativeInt>(yprime >= 0 ? yprime : yprime + modulus.m_value);
        return *this;

    template <typename T = NativeInt>
    NativeIntegerT ModExp(const NativeIntegerT& b, const NativeIntegerT& mod,
                          typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<T, DNativeInt>::value, bool>::type = true) const {
        DNativeInt t{m_value};
        DNativeInt p{b.m_value};
        DNativeInt m{mod.m_value};
        DNativeInt r{1};
        if (p & 0x1) {
            r = r * t;
            if (r >= m)
                r = r % m;
        while (p >>= 1) {
            t = t * t;
            if (t >= m)
                t = t % m;
            if (p & 0x1) {
                r = r * t;
                if (r >= m)
                    r = r % m;
        return {r};

    template <typename T = NativeInt>
    NativeIntegerT ModExp(const NativeIntegerT& b, const NativeIntegerT& mod,
                          typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<T, DNativeInt>::value, bool>::type = true) const {
        NativeIntegerT t{m_value % mod.m_value};
        NativeIntegerT p{b.m_value};
        NativeIntegerT mu{mod.ComputeMu()};
        NativeIntegerT r{1};
        if (p.m_value & 0x1)
            r.ModMulFastEq(t, mod, mu);
        while (p.m_value >>= 1) {
            t.ModMulFastEq(t, mod, mu);
            if (p.m_value & 0x1)
                r.ModMulFastEq(t, mod, mu);
        return {r};

    NativeIntegerT& ModExpEq(const NativeIntegerT& b, const NativeIntegerT& mod) {
        return *this = this->NativeIntegerT::ModExp(b, mod);

    NativeIntegerT ModInverse(const NativeIntegerT& mod) const {
        SignedNativeInt modulus(mod.m_value);
        SignedNativeInt a(m_value % mod.m_value);
        if (a == 0) {
            std::string msg = NativeIntegerT::toString(m_value) + " does not have a ModInverse using " +
        if (modulus == 1)
            return NativeIntegerT();

        SignedNativeInt y{0};
        SignedNativeInt x{1};
        while (a > 1) {
            auto t  = modulus;
            auto q  = a / t;
            modulus = a % t;
            a       = t;
            t       = y;
            y       = x - q * y;
            x       = t;
        if (x < 0)
            x += mod.m_value;
        return {x};

    NativeIntegerT& ModInverseEq(const NativeIntegerT& mod) {
        return *this = this->NativeIntegerT::ModInverse(mod);

    NativeIntegerT LShift(usshort shift) const {
        return {m_value << shift};

    NativeIntegerT& LShiftEq(usshort shift) {
        return *this = m_value << shift;

    NativeIntegerT RShift(usshort shift) const {
        return {m_value >> shift};

    NativeIntegerT& RShiftEq(usshort shift) {
        return *this = m_value >> shift;

    int Compare(const NativeIntegerT& a) const {
        return (m_value < a.m_value) ? -1 : (m_value > a.m_value) ? 1 : 0;

    template <typename T             = NativeInt,
              std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<T> || std::is_same_v<T, int128_t> || std::is_same_v<T, uint128_t>,
                               bool> = true>
    constexpr T ConvertToInt() const noexcept {
        // static_assert(sizeof(T) >= sizeof(m_value), "ConvertToInt(): Narrowing Conversion");
        return static_cast<T>(m_value);

    constexpr double ConvertToDouble() const noexcept {
        return static_cast<double>(m_value);

    static NativeIntegerT FromBinaryString(const std::string& bitString) {
        if (bitString.length() > NativeIntegerT::MaxBits())
            OPENFHE_THROW("Bit string is too long to fit in an intnat");
        NativeInt v{0};
        for (size_t i = 0; i < bitString.length(); ++i) {
            auto n = bitString[i] - '0';
            if (n < 0 || n > 1)
                OPENFHE_THROW("Bit string must contain only 0 or 1");
            v = (v << 1) | static_cast<NativeInt>(n);
        return {v};

    usint GetMSB() const {
        return lbcrypto::GetMSB(m_value);

    // TODO: only base 2?
    usint GetLengthForBase(usint base) const {
        return NativeIntegerT::GetMSB();

    // TODO: * i to << i
    usint GetDigitAtIndexForBase(usint index, usint base) const {
        usint DigitLen = ceil(log2(base));
        usint digit    = 0;
        usint newIndex = 1 + (index - 1) * DigitLen;
        for (usint i = 1; i < base; i <<= 1) {
            digit += GetBitAtIndex(newIndex++) * i;
        return digit;

    uschar GetBitAtIndex(usint index) const {
        if (index == 0)
            OPENFHE_THROW("Zero index in GetBitAtIndex");
        return static_cast<uschar>((m_value >> (index - 1)) & 0x1);

    static constexpr NativeIntegerT Allocator() noexcept {
        return NativeIntegerT();


    std::string ToString() const {
        return toString(m_value);

    static const std::string IntegerTypeName() {
        return "UBNATINT";

    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const NativeIntegerT& ptr_obj) {
        os << ptr_obj.ToString();
        return os;

    template <class Archive, typename T = void>
    typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<NativeInt, uint64_t> || std::is_same_v<NativeInt, uint32_t>, T> load(
        Archive& ar, std::uint32_t const version) {
        if (version > SerializedVersion()) {
            OPENFHE_THROW("serialized object version " + std::to_string(version) +
                          " is from a later version of the library");
        ar(::cereal::make_nvp("v", m_value));

#if defined(HAVE_INT128)
    template <class Archive>
    typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<NativeInt, uint128_t> && !cereal::traits::is_text_archive<Archive>::value,
    load(Archive& ar, std::uint32_t const version) {
        if (version > SerializedVersion()) {
            OPENFHE_THROW("serialized object version " + std::to_string(version) +
                          " is from a later version of the library");
        // get an array with 2 unint64_t values for m_value
        uint64_t vec[2];
        ar(::cereal::binary_data(vec, sizeof(vec)));  // 2*8 - size in bytes
        m_value = vec[1];                             // most significant word
        m_value <<= 64;
        m_value += vec[0];  // least significant word

    template <class Archive>
    typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<NativeInt, uint128_t> && cereal::traits::is_text_archive<Archive>::value,
    load(Archive& ar, std::uint32_t const version) {
        if (version > SerializedVersion()) {
            OPENFHE_THROW("serialized object version " + std::to_string(version) +
                          " is from a later version of the library");
        // get an array with 2 unint64_t values for m_value
        uint64_t vec[2];
        ar(::cereal::make_nvp("i", vec));
        m_value = vec[1];  // most significant word
        m_value <<= 64;
        m_value += vec[0];  // least significant word

    template <class Archive, typename T = void>
    typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<NativeInt, uint64_t> || std::is_same<NativeInt, uint32_t>::value, T> save(
        Archive& ar, std::uint32_t const version) const {
        ar(::cereal::make_nvp("v", m_value));

#if defined(HAVE_INT128)
    template <class Archive>
    typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<NativeInt, uint128_t> && !cereal::traits::is_text_archive<Archive>::value,
    save(Archive& ar, std::uint32_t const version) const {
        // save 2 unint64_t values instead of uint128_t
        constexpr uint128_t mask = (static_cast<uint128_t>(1) << 64) - 1;
        uint64_t vec[2];
        vec[0] = m_value & mask;  // least significant word
        vec[1] = m_value >> 64;   // most significant word
        ar(::cereal::binary_data(vec, sizeof(vec)));

    template <class Archive>
    typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<NativeInt, uint128_t> && cereal::traits::is_text_archive<Archive>::value,
    save(Archive& ar, std::uint32_t const version) const {
        // save 2 unint64_t values instead of uint128_t
        constexpr uint128_t mask = (static_cast<uint128_t>(1) << 64) - 1;
        uint64_t vec[2];
        vec[0] = m_value & mask;  // least significant word
        vec[1] = m_value >> 64;   // most significant word
        ar(::cereal::make_nvp("i", vec));

    std::string SerializedObjectName() const {
        return "NATInteger";

    static uint32_t SerializedVersion() {
        return 1;

    static constexpr usint MaxBits() noexcept {
        return m_uintBitLength;

    static constexpr bool IsNativeInt() noexcept {
        return true;

    // Computes res -= a;
    static void SubtractD(typeD& res, const typeD& a) {
        if (res.lo < a.lo) {
            res.lo += m_uintMax + 1 - a.lo;
        else {
            res.lo -= a.lo;
        res.hi -= a.hi;

    static NativeInt RShiftD(const typeD& x, int64_t shift) {
        return (x.lo >> shift) | (x.hi << (NativeIntegerT::MaxBits() - shift));

    static void MultD(NativeInt a, NativeInt b, typeD& res) {
        if constexpr (std::is_same_v<NativeInt, uint32_t>) {
            uint64_t c{static_cast<uint64_t>(a) * b};
            res.hi = static_cast<uint32_t>(c >> 32);
            res.lo = static_cast<uint32_t>(c);

        if constexpr (std::is_same_v<NativeInt, uint64_t>) {
#if defined(HAVE_INT128)
            // includes defined(__x86_64__), defined(__powerpc64__), defined(__riscv), defined(__s390__)
            uint128_t c{static_cast<uint128_t>(a) * b};
            res.hi = static_cast<uint64_t>(c >> 64);
            res.lo = static_cast<uint64_t>(c);
#elif defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__)  // web assembly
            uint64_t a1 = a >> 32;
            uint64_t a2 = (uint32_t)a;
            uint64_t b1 = b >> 32;
            uint64_t b2 = (uint32_t)b;

            res.hi             = a1 * b1;
            res.lo             = a2 * b2;
            uint64_t lowBefore = res.lo;

            uint64_t p1   = a2 * b1;
            uint64_t p2   = a1 * b2;
            uint64_t temp = p1 + p2;
            res.hi += temp >> 32;
            res.lo += uint64_t((uint32_t)temp) << 32;

            // adds the carry to the high word
            if (lowBefore > res.lo)

            // if there is an overflow in temp, add 2^32
            if ((temp < p1) || (temp < p2))
                res.hi += (uint64_t)1 << 32;
#elif defined(__x86_64__)
            // clang-format off
            __asm__("mulq %[b]"
                : [ lo ] "=a"(res.lo), [ hi ] "=d"(res.hi)
                : [ a ] "%[lo]"(a), [ b ] "rm"(b)
                : "cc");
                // clang-format on
#elif defined(__aarch64__)
            typeD x;
            x.hi = 0;
            x.lo = a;
            uint64_t y(b);
            res.lo = x.lo * y;
            asm("umulh %0, %1, %2\n\t" : "=r"(res.hi) : "r"(x.lo), "r"(y));
            res.hi += x.hi * y;
#elif defined(__arm__) || defined(__powerpc__)  // 32 bit processor
            uint64_t wres(0), wa(a), wb(b);
            wres   = wa * wb;
            res.hi = wres >> 32;
            res.lo = (uint32_t)wres & 0xFFFFFFFF;
    #error Architecture not supported for MultD()

#if defined(HAVE_INT128)
        if constexpr (std::is_same_v<NativeInt, uint128_t>) {
            static constexpr uint128_t masklo = (static_cast<uint128_t>(1) << 64) - 1;
            static constexpr uint128_t onehi  = static_cast<uint128_t>(1) << 64;

            uint128_t a1{a >> 64};
            uint128_t a2{a & masklo};
            uint128_t b1{b >> 64};
            uint128_t b2{b & masklo};
            uint128_t a1b2{a1 * b2};
            uint128_t a2b1{a2 * b1};
            uint128_t tmp{a1b2 + a2b1};
            uint128_t lo{a2 * b2};

            res = {a1 * b1, lo};
            res.lo += tmp << 64;
            if (lo > res.lo)
            if ((tmp < a1b2) || (tmp < a2b1))
                res.hi += onehi;
            res.hi += tmp >> 64;

    static NativeInt MultDHi(NativeInt a, NativeInt b) {
        typeD x;
        MultD(a, b, x);
        return x.hi;

    static DNativeInt GetD(const typeD& x) {
        return (DNativeInt(x.hi) << NativeIntegerT::MaxBits()) | x.lo;

    static std::string toString(uint32_t value) noexcept {
        return std::to_string(value);

    static std::string toString(uint64_t value) noexcept {
        return std::to_string(value);

#if defined(HAVE_INT128)
    // TODO
    static std::string toString(uint128_t value) noexcept {
        constexpr size_t maxChars = 15;
        constexpr uint128_t divisor{0x38d7ea4c68000};  // 10**15
        std::string tmp(46, '0');
        auto msd_it = tmp.end() - 1;
        auto it     = tmp.end();
        for (auto i = 3; i != 0; --i, it -= maxChars) {
            auto part = static_cast<uint64_t>(value % divisor);
            value /= divisor;
            if (part) {
                auto s{std::to_string(part)};
                msd_it = it - s.size();
                tmp.replace(it - s.size(), it, s.begin(), s.end());
        return std::string(msd_it, tmp.end());

    template <typename T = NativeInt>
    static void ModMu(typeD& prod, NativeIntegerT& a, const T& mv, const T& mu, int64_t n,
                      typename std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<T, DNativeInt>, bool> = true) {
        prod = {0, a.m_value};
        MultD(RShiftD(prod, n), mu, prod);
        a.m_value -= static_cast<NativeInt>((GetD(prod) >> n + 7) * mv);
        if (a.m_value >= mv)
            a.m_value -= mv;

    template <typename T = NativeInt>
    static void ModMu(typeD& prod, NativeIntegerT& a, const T& mv, const T& mu, int64_t n,
                      typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<T, DNativeInt>, bool> = true) {
        prod = {0, a.m_value};
        MultD(RShiftD(prod, n), mu, prod);
        MultD(RShiftD(prod, n + 7), mv, prod);
        a.m_value -= prod.lo;
        if (a.m_value >= mv)
            a.m_value -= mv;

// helper template to stream vector contents provided T has an stream operator<<
template <typename T>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const std::vector<T>& v) {
    os << "[";
    //    for (const auto& i : v)
    for (auto&& i : v)
        os << " " << i;
    os << " ]";
    return os;
// to stream internal representation
template std::ostream& operator<< <uint64_t>(std::ostream& os, const std::vector<uint64_t>& v);

}  // namespace intnat