OpenFHE CI/CD Developers Guide

The GitHub Documentation is the best resource for syntax, feature detail, and abilities of the CI/CD.

In order to make modifications to reuseable workflow or actions the CI/CD changes must be made to the [github-ci][5] branch. This branch is specially protected, and the OpenFHE repository uses references to the branch for reuseable workflows and actions.

├── .github
│   ├── actions                       <-- Custom GitHub actions
│   │   └─ generic_workflow_builder   <-- Custom GitHub actions to bootstrap the build
│   │       └── action.yml            <-- Custom action file, defines the steps for a given configuration, cmake -> build -> unittest
│   ├── workflows                     <-- GitHub workflows(pipelines)
│       └── generic_workflow.yml      <-- A reuseable workflow that handles the default builds and tests the important configurations, uses generic_workflow_builder/action.yml

For changes to what happens for the Main, Manual, or Pull-Request the files must be updated on the main branch.

├── .github
│   ├── workflows                     <-- GitHub workflows(pipelines)
│       ├── main.yml                  <-- Runs when a branch is merged to main, uses generic_workflow
│       ├── manual.yml                <-- Runs on-demand with parameters, uses generic_workflow
│       ├── pull-request.yml          <-- Runs when a pull-request to main is created, uses generic_workflow


GitHub Actions are used to create function like abilities to the CI/CD. Thus reducing the scripting, lines of code, and complexity of the workflows. There is currently a single action to help build and test a given configuration .github/actions/generic_workflow_builder/action.yml.

Generic Workflow Builder

This builder handles the setup, build, and running of binaries (such as unittests) for a single configuration. The flow of the Generic Workflow Builder actions is:

  1. Cmake configuration based on inputs

  2. Build the configuration

  3. Run unittests on the configuration

The actions are flexible as when can pass inputs which can be seen in first section of the .github/actions/generic_workflow_builder/action.yml. These inputs can be used throughout the action.yml to change behaviour.


For more info on GitHub Actions in general please visit Learn GitHub Actions. The remainder of the action description will be specific to our implementation and use of GitHub Action features.

Current Action Inputs

We currently have the following inputs supported:

  • module_name - friendly string identifier for the configuration

  • cmake_args - string with all arguments set up in the calling workflow

Adding New Inputs

To add a new input to the action it will need to be added to the inputs section in the .github/actions/generic_workflow_builder/action.yml. There is a constraint of 10 inputs, so care needs to be taking when selecting inputs. Select that the type of the input for your input and choose a default value that will not alter the previous behavior of the important workflows After adding the parameter to action.yml you must set it using the with field, shown below, in any workflow that you want to use the new parameter.

Defining a new input

name: 'Generic Workflow Builder'

        description: "Example of how to add a new input to the action"
        type: string
        default: ''

Using the input

uses: ./.github/actions/generic_workflow_builder
    module_name: ${{ github.job }}
    # ...
    my_new_input: 'Do something new!'

Using the input value in the action procedure

   # ...
   run: |
      echo "New input has value: ${{inputs.my_new_input}}"

The ${{}} is how the procedure can access the passed in value


When designing the workflows for OpenFHE we took the approach of bundling multiple configurations together. This influenced how the action.yml was designed, as we want to have the server configure, build, and run outputs without needing to pass artifacts around. Previously we had done all the builds for every configuration, then ran all the unittests for all the configurations, etc. This required over 20GB of artifacts be passed around. This means that each conifguration must build and pass all tests before another build can be evaluated.

Currently the default build always runs, and the other builds depend on it. Even when the other workflow jobs are off.


For more general information on GitHub Workflows please visit Using Workflows

There are 3 custom and one reuseable workflows:

  • Main - To extensively test pushes to the main branch and publish docs.

  • Manual - To do a batch of builds with a control over compilers, native size, configurations.

  • Pull-Request - To test any pull-requests generated, this tests a healthy number of configurations but is not as extensive as Main.

  • Generic/Reuseable Workflow - To be called by any custom workflow.

They all allow to select a number of options that are supported and worth testing on a server. NOTE: ALL the options for Manual must exist in both properties on.workflow_call.inputs and on.workflow_dispatch.inputs. It is necessary as Manual calls a reuseable workflow.

As Main and Pull-Request are kicked off automatically and all their input options are hardcoded in the job section under the with property.


There is a limit of 10 inputs.

There are two important JSON maps used in the workflows:

  • cmake_args_map - maps the job name to the job’s specific set of cmake arguments (3 custom workflows only)

  • COMPILERS_MAP - converts the input Compiler Type to a string with cmake arguments to set the compiler for C and C++ (generic_workflow only)


Before adding a new compiler option developers must ensure that the server has the compiler installed and the cmake arguments specifying that compiler’s path are correctly set in the JSON map.

example: passing a JSON map as an input to generic_workflow.yml

   uses: openfheorg/openfhe-development/.github/workflows/generic_workflow.yml@github-ci
      # ...
      # cmake_args_map holds job specific additional cmake options. compiler flags, native_backend flag and
      # OpenMP flag are set in generic_workflow.yml
      cmake_args_map: '{
                  # ...
                  "mb2"               : "-DBUILD_EXTRAS=ON -DMATHBACKEND=2",
                  "mb2_tcm"           : "-DBUILD_EXTRAS=ON -DMATHBACKEND=2 -DWITH_TCM=ON",
                  # ...
                  "mb6_ntl_debug_tcm" : "-DBUILD_EXTRAS=ON -DMATHBACKEND=6 -DWITH_NTL=ON -DWITH_TCM=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug",


The map’s keys are not linked to the inputs options, this must be manually kept in sync.

Pull-Request Workflow

The pull-request.yml defines the Pull-Request Workflow, which runs when a pull request is opened or reopened or when the head branch of the pull request is updated. Currently it is setup to run on the main branch only. This is defined by the following code snippet.

      - main

The Pull-Request Workflow calls Generic/Reuseable Workflow and runs all jobs with NATIVE_SIZE=128 and GCC only.

Main Workflow

The main.yml defines the Main Workflow, which runs when changes are pushed to the main branch.

      - main

The Main Workflow calls Generic/Reuseable Workflow and runs all jobs with all native backends and with both GCC and CLANG. And lastly this workflow has a job that pushes the doxygen generated documentation to a specific branch, gh-pages in the repository.

Manual workflow

The manual workflow allows for more configurations to be tested and the flexibility to test unique combinations of the compiler, NativeInteger sizes and jobs.


Generic/Reuseable Workflow

The generic_workflow.yml defines the reuseable workflow, which is not run directly through GitHub pushes, pull-requests, or UI interactions. Instead this workflow encapuslates the bulk of the CI/CD that should be used in multiple workflows. This workflow is declared reuseable by the following code snippet:

        # ...

Where workflow_call property enables other workflows to run this entire workflow through the following calling squence:

    uses: openfheorg/openfhe-development/.github/workflows/generic_workflow.yml@github-ci
        # ...

The workflow makes use of the Generic Workflow Builder to run a number of configurations that correspond to the workflow’s inputs.


  • MATHBACKEND2 jobs: mb2, mb2_tcm, mb2_debug, all, none

  • MATHBACKEND4 jobs: mb4, mb4_tcm, mb4_debug, all, none

  • MATHBACKEND6 jobs: mb6_ntl, mb6_ntl_tcm, mb6_ntl_debug_tcm, all, none

Each of these inputs enables or disables the corresponding job(s). Just a reminder that one job default is always implicitly enabled.

Compiler Selection

Selecting the compiler is a bit convoluted, the JSON syntax is used to create a map between compilers and the cmake options to use the compiler selected. This map uses the workflow_call.inputs.compiler as the key in .github/workflows/generic_workflow.yml. and the cmake equivalent option as the value.


This is linked by the definition of COMPILERS_MAP in the jobs

  • Modifying the compiler input will require modification of env.COMPILERS_MAP

  • Getting cmake compiler options can’t be done in the .github/actions/generic_builder/action.yml,

    as access to the fromJson function isn’t available in that scope.

Below is a part of the existing map using the >- operator for multiple lines:

Compiler map definition

    # ...
    "GCC-11"   : "-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/g++-11 -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/gcc-11",
    # ...
    "CLANG-14" : "-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang++-14 -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang-14"

Modifying or Adding New Workflows

When developing a new workflow it is required that the Default Branch be set to whatever your development branch is to expose the workflows, and thus reverted on completion. This can be done by navigating to the repository’s Settings > Branches and selecting a new Default Branch as shown below.


When modifying an existing workflow then you should test the changes on your feature branch. The feature branch can be picked from the “Use workflow from” drop-down menu for Manual or can be hardcoded for testing for Main or Pull-Request.

Please take care with naming new workflows - Follow the design pattern already in use, where the Workflows name and the corresponding YML file are related via the pattern:

  • YML File: new-workflow.yml

  • Workflow Name:

    name: New Workflow

Setup GitHub Actions Runner

Setup Linux Server for OpenFHE

OpenFHE To see how to setup in the repository, or run it on your linux platform.


This is for an Ubuntu 22.04 distribution

Launch an EC2 Instance using AWS CLI

aws ec2 run-instances \
    --image-id <AMI-Id> \
    --count 1 \
    --instance-type <EC2-Type> \
    --key-name <Key-Pair-Name> \
    --subnet-id <Subnet> \
    --security-group-ids <Security-Group-ID>
    --user-data file://user-data.txt

This will create an EC2 instance.

Configure the EC2 Instance as GitHub Actions Runner

Refer this documentation, adding-self-hosted-runners, on how to self-hosted runner to a repository. Below is an image of how to verify that a self-hosted runner is linked to the repository.
