Core Lattice Documentation

Documentation for core/include/lattice/

Hardware Abstraction Layer


Refer to HAL Documentation to learn more about the hardware abstraction layer. HAL allows users to use a variety of backends while still allowing for high performance.

The Lattice Layer

The files in this directory are to support lattice-layer operations in OpenFHE. The layer is used to represent polynomial rings andsupport operations over those polynomial rings.

  • A polynomial ring is defined as R_q = \frac{Z_q[X]}{f(X)}, with f(X) a mononic irreducable polynomial of degree n, and q an integer modulus.

  • The current implementations support polynomial rings that are of dimension a power of two (x^n + 1 where n is a power of 2).

  • Support for arbitrary cyclotomic rings is also available but in experimental mode. The case of m = p and m = 2*p, where m is a cyclotomic order and p is a prime, have been tested relatively well. Other cases of m have not been tested.

This lattice layer is a middle layer in the library. The lattice layer supports higher-level calls for operations on ring elements necessary for lattice cryptography. The lattice layer is intended to make calls to lower layers that support math operations, such as modulus and ring arithmetic.

Polynomial representations

The three main data classes in this layer are Poly, NativePoly and DCRTPoly.

  • A Poly is a single-CRT representation using BigInteger types as coefficients, and supporting a large modulus q.

  • A NativePoly is a single-CRT representation using NativeInteger types, which limites the size of the coefficients and the modulus q to 64 bits.

  • A DCRTPoly is a double-CRT representation. In practice, this means that Poly uses a single large modulus q, while DCRTPoly uses multiple smaller moduli. Hence, Poly runs slower than DCRTPoly because DCRTPoly operations can be easier to fit into the native bitwidths of commodity processors.

  • Poly, NativePoly and DCRTPoly all implement the interface ILElement. Any new ring polynomial classes should be built to conform to this interface.

The classes ILParams and ILDCRTParams contain parameters for the ring element representations. The following parameters are available for:

  • Poly and NativePoly:

    • order

    • modulus

    • root of unity

  • DCRTPoly:

    • order

    • double-CRT width

    • moduli

    • roots of unity

Polynomial Ring Formats

The coefficients of the polynomial ring, in their initial form, are just coefficients. Translated into one of Poly or DCRTPoly, can be simply seen as vector’s representing polynomial ring elements.


We internally represent polynomial ring elements as being either in COEFFICIENT or EVALUATION format. It is generally computationally less expensive to carry on all operations in the evaluation form

However, the CRT and inverse CRT operations take O(nlogn) time using current best known algorithms, where n is the ring dimension.


  • AKA Raw form

  • Converted to EVALUATION form by applying the Chinese-Remainder-Transform (CRT), which is a Number Theoretic Transform (NTT) and variant of the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), which converts ring elements into EVALUATION form


  • allows us to do element-wise multiplication on two or more ring polynomials

File Listing

Parameter Classes

The interactions can be summarized as:

flowchart BT A[ElemParams <br> - base class </br>] --> B[ILParamsImpl <br> - Ideal Lattice Params </br>]; B[ILParamsImpl <br> - Ideal Lattice Params </br>] --> C[ILDCRTParams <br> - Ideal Lattice Double-CRT Params</br>]

Lattice Element Parameters (elemparams.h)

  • a simple class to contain ring element parameters.

  • elemparamfactory is a factory that creates elemparams objects

Integer Lattice Parameters (ilparams.h)

  • parameter class for basic single-CRT lattice parameters.

  • Inherits from elemparams.h

Integer Lattice Double CRT Params (ildcrtparams.h)

  • parameter class for double-CRT lattice parameters.

  • Inherits from ilparams.h

Element Parameter Factory (elemparamfactory.h)

  • Creates ElemParams`

Element Classes

flowchart BT A[ILElement<br> - Ideal Lattice Elements </br>] --> B[PolyImpl <br> - elements from ideal lattices using a single-CRT representation </br>]; A[ILElement<br> - Ideal Lattice Elements </br>] --> C[DCRTPolyImpl <br> - elements from ideal lattices using a double-CRT representation</br>]

Integer Lattice Elements (ilelement.h)

  • This file presents a basic interface class for elements from ideal lattices.

Ideal Lattice using Vector Representation (poly.h)

  • These files present a basic class for Poly, elements from ideal lattices using a single-CRT representation.

  • This class inherits from the class in ilelement.h.

  • This file also defines a NativePoly, which is simply a Poly using NativeInteger coefficients. A NativePoly is an important part of a DCRTPoly.


Trapdoor (trapdoor.h)


Uses Discrete Gaussian Sampling (dgsampling.h) to implement the algorithms in the aforementioned papers

Trapdoor Parameters (trapdoorparameters.h)

  • Parameter definitions for trapdoor-related schemes (GPV signature, IBE, ABE)

  • Uses trapdoor.h


Discrete Gaussian Sampling (dgsampling.h)


Sampling: - Refer to our sampling documentation for more information

Power-of-2 fields (field2n.h)

  • Represents and defines power-of-2 fields

Standard Values for Lattice Params (stdlatticeparms.h)

  • Header for the standard values for Lattice Parms, as determined by Homomorphic Encryption Org

  • Given (distribution type, security level), we can get a maxQ for a given ring dimension, or get a ring dimension given some maxQ

Hal Lattice Backend Switcher (lat-hal.h)

  • contains functionality to switch between lattice backends


  • It is assumed that any scalar or vector operation such as multiplication, addition etc. done on one or more operations contain the same params. Checks need to be added to the code to test the compatibility of parameters.

  • Multiplication is currently only implemented in the EVALUATION format. Code needs to be added to implement COEFFICIENT format multiplication, if desired.