Class LWECiphertextImpl

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class lbcrypto::LWECiphertextImpl : public lbcrypto::Serializable

Inheritence diagram for lbcrypto::LWECiphertextImpl:

digraph { graph [bgcolor="#00000000"] node [shape=rectangle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" font=Helvetica padding=2] edge [color="#1414CE"] "2" [label="lbcrypto::Serializable" tooltip="lbcrypto::Serializable"] "1" [label="lbcrypto::LWECiphertextImpl" tooltip="lbcrypto::LWECiphertextImpl" fillcolor="#BFBFBF"] "1" -> "2" [dir=forward tooltip="public-inheritance"] }

Collaboration diagram for lbcrypto::LWECiphertextImpl:

digraph { graph [bgcolor="#00000000"] node [shape=rectangle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" font=Helvetica padding=2] edge [color="#1414CE"] "2" [label="lbcrypto::Serializable" tooltip="lbcrypto::Serializable"] "1" [label="lbcrypto::LWECiphertextImpl" tooltip="lbcrypto::LWECiphertextImpl" fillcolor="#BFBFBF"] "1" -> "2" [dir=forward tooltip="public-inheritance"] }

Class that stores a LWE scheme ciphertext; composed of a vector “a” and integer “b”.

Public Functions

LWECiphertextImpl() = default
inline LWECiphertextImpl(const NativeVector &a, const NativeInteger &b)
inline LWECiphertextImpl(NativeVector &&a, NativeInteger b) noexcept
inline LWECiphertextImpl(const LWECiphertextImpl &rhs)
inline LWECiphertextImpl(LWECiphertextImpl &&rhs) noexcept
inline LWECiphertextImpl &operator=(const LWECiphertextImpl &rhs)
inline LWECiphertextImpl &operator=(LWECiphertextImpl &&rhs) noexcept
inline const NativeVector &GetA() const
inline NativeVector &GetA()
inline const NativeInteger &GetA(std::size_t i) const
inline NativeInteger &GetA(std::size_t i)
inline const NativeInteger &GetB() const
inline NativeInteger &GetB()
inline const NativeInteger &GetModulus() const
inline uint32_t GetLength() const
inline const NativeInteger &GetptModulus() const
inline void SetA(const NativeVector &a)
inline void SetB(const NativeInteger &b)
inline void SetModulus(const NativeInteger &mod)
inline void SetptModulus(const NativeInteger &pmod)
inline bool operator==(const LWECiphertextImpl &other) const
inline bool operator!=(const LWECiphertextImpl &other) const
template<class Archive>
inline void save(Archive &ar, std::uint32_t const version) const
template<class Archive>
inline void load(Archive &ar, std::uint32_t const version)
inline virtual std::string SerializedObjectName() const override

Public Static Functions

static inline uint32_t SerializedVersion()